Ministry Groups Catholic Daughters of America The Catholic Daughters strive to be an organization of sisterhood and service. Through the year we work together as a group to plan service events and fellowship opportunities. This ministry meets every 1st monday of the month. The Knights of Columbus In the Knights of Columbus tradition, the local Council #1211 of St. Patrick's leads support to the Church at both the diocesan and local levels. It provides volunteers and offer funds for parish projects and the Catholic School. Serra Club Named after St. Junipero Serra, this ministry is formed to foster and promote vocations to the priesthood and religious life, and to support priests in their ministry. We meet the first Tuesday of every month. Stewardship Council/Liturgy Preparation Ministry This ministry seeks to help the Pastor guide the development of stewardship within the Parish. The council seeks ways to promote the stewardship mentality within the Parish through year-round communication and special initiatives. They also help the Parish by suppporting our annual Renewal of Stewardship. This ministry meets the 2nd Tuesday of every month at 5:30. The Litugury Preparation Ministry The ministry assists the Pastor with the decorating of our church. They meet during the year to assist the parish in making sure all necessary liturgical appointments are ready for any of the major Masses, such as Christmas and Easter. their input on decorating helps to make an atmosphere conducive to adoring Jesus. Council of Catholic Women This is a service and social group for all members of the parish. Activities that establish a bond among parishioners include serving receptions, a monthly brunch, funeral dinners and the Christmas boutique. This ministry meets the first Tuesday of every other month. All women welcome! Respect Life Committee The pro-life effort at our parish includes participation in any community-wide pro-life activities, such as the "Walk for Life" and exhibits at the Lincoln County Fair. Each October they acknowledge the gift of life by recognizing new mothers in the parish. Bible Studies Throughout the year the parish offers opportunities for bible study, faith sharing and other ways to grow in faith and knowledge. All are welcome and encouraged to participate. Anointing Mass Our Anointing Mass is celebrated first Wednesday of each month (September-May) at noon. A free-will offering lunch is served immediately after the anointing Mass by volunteers. Christmas Boutique An annual all-parish activity every November that includes a festive noon luncheon, bake sale and community craft booths and silent auctions. Saint Patrick's Sport Banquet Held in April for St. Patrick's Catholic School in the parish hall. Special Events Anniversaries and Receptions Funeral Dinner As part of our service and compassion to the bereaved, a simple luncheon is served to family and friends following a funeral with minimal cost to the family. Monthly Brunch Brunch is held the third Sunday of each month from 9 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. in the Parish Hall. Prayer Blanket Ministry Compassion and love of sewing have been combined into a prayerful and spiritual practice which reaches out to those in need of comfort and solace. Many blessings are prayed into every stitch. This Apostolic begins with a prayer and blessing for each recipient. Upon completion, a final blessing at one of our Masses is offered for each blanket before the "Prayer Blanket" is sent on its way. Parish Finance Council The Parish Finance Council assists the pastor, who is accountable to Diocesan Bishop for the administration and stewardship of the parish. Members should be experts in business or finance. An active, well-formed Parish Finance Council is a key element in promoting the financial health of a parish, assuring accountabiltiy, and assisting the Pastor with his responsibilities. This council meets the 4th Tuesday of every month at 6pm. Parish Pastoral Council (Parish Council) The Parish Pastoral Council assists the pastor, in the governance of the parish, setting policies and advising on ministries. This council meets the 4th Tuesday of every month at 7pm. W.A.S. Group (Without A Spouse) A group of single, divorced, or widowed Catholics from all of the North Platte Parishes. We offer support to each other in prayful, positive helpful and enjoyable ways through monthly social events and activities. We welcome all ages! |