![]() The Becoming Catholic team at St. Patrick's Catholic Church greets you in the name of Our Lord Jesus Christ. We are a dedicated group of Catholics who are on fire for our faith. We appreciate your interest in our Church community and welcome you to come and experience the love of God with us. Becoming Catholic meets on Thursdays from 6-8pm in the Spiritual Life Center. Please enter through the parking lot doors. Anyone desiring to learn more about the Faith is welcome to attend. If you need to receive any of the Sacraments of Initiation please feel free to come and make this desire known. |
Stage 1 - InquiryIn the Inquiry phase, we gather as a group, from many different backgrounds. The team will guide you through several topics to introduce you to the Catholic Church and our parish here at St. Patrick's. We will try and answer your questions about the faith and the Church to the best of our ability. We will try and give you a witness of why we are so convinced of God's love for us. The sessions are titled as follows:
Stage 3 - Purification and Enlightenment during Lent and Holy Week Now we enter the sacred season of Lent. It is your final preparation for entering fully into the Catholic Church. There will be teaching on more of the Catholic Church. There will also be a series of scrutinies. These are specific events that each person will enter deep into prayer about what God is asking in their life and each person will spend time in reflection on that. Along with each person, the whole parish will enter into prayer for each of you, so you can know what God sees in you.
Stage 2 - CatechumenateUpon entering this stage of the learning process, a person has made the decision to formally pursue the Catholic faith. We celebrate together the rite of acceptance. It is your formal declaration in front of the parish of St. Patrick's that you now desire to continue your journey to be a full member of the Catholic Church. It is also the parish's opportunity to welcome you into that formal journey. Now we begin to look at the fundamental teaching of the Church: about Jesus and the sacraments. The sessions during this period are as follows: The sessions during this period are:
Stage 4 - Mystagogy Welcome! You are now fully initiated and in full communion with the Roman Catholic Church! We are so glad to have you in the Body of Christ. You may be wondering - what just happened to me? What do I do now? Is it all over? The sessions in this area are: