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Through symbolic immersion in the waters of baptism, you are "grafted into the paschal mystery of Christ."  In a mysterious way, you "die with him, are buried with him, and rise with him" (Sacred Liturgy, 6 [1086].  Having died to sin (both original sin and personal sins are cleansed away in the waters of baptism), you have entered the Church of God "as through a door."  Your irrevocable baptism into Christ was the beginning of a unique lifelong vocation.  

Through your baptism, you share with others "the sacramental bond of unity existing among all who through it are reborn" (Decree on Ecumenism 22).  Your baptism can never be repeated because it binds you to God forever.  The bond is unbreakable.  It is possible for you to lose grace and even faith, but you cannot lose your baptism.  You are marked as one of God's own.  That same bond links you to all baptized persons in a sacramental way. Together we are called to live until death the sacramental mystery into which we have been immersed

Baptismal Registration form for Children

Click to access the Baptismal Registration form for Children

Do I or my child/children wish to be Baptized? 
1) If your child is under 6 years of age:  Parents will need to take a pre-baptismal class. Please call the church at 308-532-0942 and Makaela will get you in contact with Amber, who teaches the class. Please see the baptismal registration form and policy

2)  If your child is between the age of 7 and 18:  It is best to contact one of the priests at (308) 532-0942.  

3)  If you are an adult, over the age of 18, and wish to be baptized into the faith of the Roman Catholic Church:  You would be invited to join a program at St. Patrick's called RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults).  To inquire about this program, call the parish office.