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Spirit Catholic Radio

Spirit Catholic Radio - 90.1FM in the North Platte region or listen live online

Featuring Catholic programming that invites, inspires, and informs, so you can tune in and have a personal encounter with Jesus Christ. on-demand resources for mobile and home! Search "69101" before creating an account. 

The purpose of (CBSO for short) is to devote an hour of our time to fellowship with other Catholic Christians from around the world.  This page is devoted to the wonderful teachings of the Catholic faith, and to the followers of Christ's church here on Earth.  The format for this Bible Study podcast will consist of a 15 minute (or longer) recording from the great teachers of our faith.  The podcast recordings will consist of talks by Father Larry Richards, Scott Hahn, Kimberly Hahn, Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen, and many many more.  While listening to the recording you are invited to post your comments on our CBSO blog page or on our Twitter Page.   It is my hope that we can get together, in Christ, and dialogue about what we just heard.  This site is for believers of the Catholic faith and for those who have an open mind and heart to what we are discussing.   I do welcome and encourage non-Catholics to join our discussion and put in their input as well, however,  at no time will I allow vulgar or profane comments to enter this discussion.  If you are not here to Fellowship with other Catholic Christians or to listen to the opinions of others with an open heart and mind, then your comments will be deleted.

Agape Catholic Bible Study

This free Catholic online resource for the study of Sacred Scripture offers:

  • In-depth Bible studies in the living tradition of the Catholic Church
  • Accessing ancient and contemporary commentaries
  • Historical and archaeological information
  • Catechism of the Catholic Church references
  • Faithful to the Magisterium

Please join us in the study of the Word of God written down in human terms so that we might understand God's plan for the salvation of mankind.

Reading the Bible from the Heart of the Church:
The St. Paul Center for Biblical Theology is a non-profit research and educational institute that promotes life-transforming Scripture study in the Catholic tradition. The Center serves clergy and laity, students and scholars, with research and study tools — from books and publications to multimedia and on-line programming.  Our goal is to be a teacher of teachers. We want to raise up a new generation of priests who are fluent in the Bible and lay people who are biblically literate. For us, this means more than helping people to know their way around the Bible. It means equipping them to enter into the heart of the living Word of God and to be transformed and renewed by this encounter.  We read the Bible from the heart of the Church, in light of the Church’s Liturgy and living Tradition. In this way, we hope to help people experience the heart-to-heart encounter that Jesus’ disciples experienced on that first Easter night, when they knew Him in the breaking of the bread: "Did not our hearts burn within us while He talked to us…while He opened to us the Scriptures?" (see Luke 24:13-37)

 Online courses available:

The Great Adventure (highly recommended)  
Covenant Love: Introducing the Biblical Worldview
Genesis to Jesus
The Lamb's Supper: The Bible and the Mass
'He Must Reign': The Kingdom of God in Scripture
Holy Queen: The Mother of God in the Word of God
Reading the Old Testament in the New: The Gospel of Matthew